Sunday, December 12, 2010

Target Market Strategy

Our marketing strategy will be based mainly on making the right product available to the right target customer. For in this case the strategy that we will go for will be mostly based on advertising on television, preferably stations like Spike TV. We will ensure that our products' prices take into consideration peoples' budgets, and that these people appreciate the product and know that it exists, including where to find it. The marketing will convey the sense of quality in every picture, every promotion, and every publication. There is already a sense of segment strategy in the way we define our target market. We are choosing to compete in areas that lend themselves to local competition, service and channel areas that match our strengths, and avoid our weaknesses. Our strategy calls for the development of relationships with suppliers, distributors and retailers to support our business. Regular visits will be undertaken to these areas so as to ensure that we are meeting their expectations. We intend to provide a quality brew that not only quenches one's thirst but enables one to enjoy themselves and be proud of it. The quality of raw materials and assembly technology evident in our products will serve to enhance the appearance of our customers, in turn adding to their status. Our target markets are increasingly growing towards recognizing the difference between poor quality brews and those of high quality. This development is an important trend for us as it represents our target market. We now are having an increasing number of people who appreciate the traditional brews whilst living in the urban areas. With this in mind we intend to ensure that our packaging is respectable and attractive.

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